Who Is Allan Gore? What Connection Did He Have With The Candy Montgomery Murder Trial

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Thursday, August 15, 2024

Allan Gore was thrust into the public spotlight in the 1980s due to his connection to Candy Montgomery’s murder trial. Montgomery was convicted of killing her friend and neighbor, Betty Gore, with an ax 41 times. 

Allan Gore’s life turned upside down because of his affair, infidelity, jealousness which led to a brutal murder in the end.

The two women were known to be friends, and Montgomery even babysat for Gore’s children on occasion. However, it was later revealed that Betty’s husband Allan and Candy were also having an affair. This led to a bitter ending and turned the two friends into mortal enemies. 

Although he was never charged with any crime, Allan Gore’s name was forever tarnished by the scandal. In recent years, he has attempted to rebuild his life and is now working as a real estate agent in Texas.

How Did Allan & Betty Meet?

Allan & Betty met each other in a very unique way. Allan Gore and Betty Gore were married on January 1, 1971. Allan was a teacher’s assistant at the time, and Betty was attending college in Kansas. They soon started dating each other after their classes ended. 

They both fell hard for each other and soon tied the knot in a beautiful small ceremony. They promised to spend the rest of their lives together in their early 20s. 

It didn’t matter to them how young they were or how much they used to earn at that point. Mainly because they were so invested in each other and they didn’t believe in separating or never even considered divorce as an option. The couple later moved to Texas, where they raised two children together. 

Allan’s Marriage To Betty Gore – What Was Their Marriage Like?

Despite their seemingly normal exterior, their marriage was plagued with infidelity and boredom. Allan had several affairs throughout the course of their marriage, and Betty often felt isolated and alone. However, neither spouse believed in divorce, so they remained together until Betty’s murder. 

Although their marriage was far from perfect, Allan and Betty Gore remained committed to each other until the very end. 

When they first met, Allan used to be so shy and plain that he barely said a word to his students. But after years of marriage with two children in tow, their love for each other fizzled out due primarily because Allan’s work kept him on the road most days while also requiring frequent attempts at starting another family–something not always easy when you’re only able-bodied by one parent.

Pat and Candy Montgomery seemed to have it all. Pat was a successful electrical engineer at Texas Instruments, and Candy was a stay-at-home mom who enjoyed spending her days taking care of their two young children. 

However, Candy quickly became bored with the routines of suburban life and as a stay-at-home mom. She met Allan Gore at a church volleyball game, and she was immediately drawn to his outgoing personality. 

However, the two of them shared a deep connection that led to a tragic end. Allan and Candy quickly hit it off. Despite the fact that Allan was married, the two of them began an affair that would last for years.

After talking through certain of their reservations they both agreed to keep it impersonal, and they began having an affair on Dec. 12, 1978.

Over the next few months, their affair became increasingly disruptive to the Montgomery family. Pat eventually confronted Allan, and the affair came to an end. However, the damage had been done. 

Pat and Candy divorced soon afterward, and their children were left to navigate the fallout from their parents’ failed marriage. While infidelity is often cited as one of the leading causes of divorce, it is clear that there are often many complex factors at play.

Allan Gore and Candy Montgomery were two people from very different walks of life. Allan was a convicted felon, while Candy was a stay-at-home mom who came from a comfortable background. 

Despite promising to keep the relationship purely sexual and not getting so emotionally involved, Montgomery and Allan found themselves talking more as time went on during their motel trysts. 

They confided in each other about things that weren’t told to any other person including Betty’s pregnancy which led them both to decide it would be best if they called off at least until the baby was born. But then again feelings became stronger than what either wanted. 

It wasn’t easy calling off a relationship at such a crucial point in your life when you are deeply invested emotionally as well- which is what happened here! The plan had been for them to only ever go “so far,’ until Betty delivered Allan’s second baby Bethany. 

After the Gores’ daughter, Bethany was born, Allan and Betty resumed their affair. However, Montgomery later said that Allan wasn’t very good in bed and the excitement of the affair had worn off. Still, she cried when he went to a marriage counseling event with Betty and came back with a renewed determination to make their union work. According to Montgomery, the tears were “a turning point” in their relationship. 

This experience made her realize that she had lost all the fun in their affair and when Allan couldn’t. When Allan couldn’t outright say he was ending the affair, Montgomery did. “Allan, you seem to be leaving it up to me. So I’ve decided, I won’t call. I won’t try to see you. I won’t bother you anymore,” Montgomery said. 

The Murder – What Actually Happened?

It is often said that the truth will out, meaning that eventually everything will be revealed. This is especially true when it comes to secrets and affairs. No matter how hard someone may try to keep something hidden, eventually the truth will come to light. There are a number of reasons for this. First, it is simply impossible to keep a secret forever. Sooner or later, someone is bound to slip up and let something slip. 

Second, even if everyone involved is able to keep the secret, there is always the risk of it being discovered by accident. 

Finally, even if the truth remains hidden for years, eventually time will take its toll and the truth will be revealed. In other words, no matter how diligently someone may try to keep a secret, the odds are eventually it will be exposed.

No matter how long it takes for the truth to come out, however, the results are often the same: disruption and damage. Secrets and affairs can have a major impact on both individuals and relationships, and they often lead to feelings of betrayal and mistrust. In Allan Gore’s case, the truth may take a long time to be revealed but even then, the damage is often already done.

According to Montgomery’s evidence in court, on June 13, 1980, she went to the Gores’ home in the early afternoon to get a swimsuit for their 5-year-old daughter, Alisa, who was visiting her family and going to see Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back with them. 

Allan was visiting Minnesota at the time for business. Montgomery claimed that their conversation began amicably enough, but that Betty then abruptly inquired about the affair.

Montgomery, who was embarrassed, acknowledged it and said it was over. Then, according to her, Betty left the room and came back carrying an ax. According to Montgomery, Betty said, “Don’t see him again.” “I no longer wish to see you. I don’t want to see you again, so just keep Alisa and take her to the movie. Deliver her tomorrow.

Montgomery claimed that Betty became enraged and swung at her when she tried to apologize. Later, Montgomery stated that Betty’s whispered “shhh” sent her into a furious, dissociative state and reminded her of her abusive mother as they struggled and she attempted to flee. Prosecutors later noted that 40 of the 41 times Montgomery struck her with the ax, Betty was still alive.

Montgomery killed her, cleaned up, and left. When Allan called to check on Betty and she wasn’t answering the home phone, she picked up Alisa and her children from church and told him that Betty was “fine.” 

However, Allan encouraged his neighbors to break in when Betty didn’t answer the phone when it was late at night and neighbors noticed that the lights were on. Betty’s body was discovered in the utility room, and her young daughter Bethany was left unattended in her cot.

Despite the ferocity of the incident, Montgomery was exonerated of murder in October 1980 when her defence team successfully claimed that Betty was killed in self-defense.

Where Is Allan Gore Now? How Has His Past Impacted His Life?

According to The Dallas Morning News, Allan remarried and relocated following the trial. That union eventually ended in divorce, and according to his Facebook, Allan started a domestic partnership in 2016. Currently retired, he resides in Sarasota, Florida. 

He advertises products he’s selling and discusses the value of getting the COVID-19 vaccine on Facebook.

In the meantime, Bertha and Bob Pomeroy, the parents of Betty, adopted his daughters Alisa (sometimes known as Lisa) Gore Harder and Bethany Gore in 1988 after gaining custody from Allan. 

The daughters disclosed that they were estranged from their father in a Doug J. Swanson piece from the Dallas Morning News from 2000, which was translated into a true crime Google Group; it is unknown whether they still speak now. 

They claimed that the years before they were adopted were challenging because Allan married Elaine Clift less than three months after Montgomery was exonerated.

As punishment for misbehavior, they said that Allan and Clift frequently denied them food and made them take cold baths; according to Bob Pomeroy, Bethany once showed up with missing hair from her scalp. (Allan and Clift both declined to provide comment for the article.) Lisa did not ask her father to attend her nuptials. Bethany is a teacher today, while Lisa most recently worked for Koch Industries.

The Final Verdict 

Allan Gore was a family man. A loving husband and father, he cherished his time with his wife and two kids. So when Allan began having an affair with another woman, he tried to keep it a secret.

But Allan’s wife eventually found out, and it tore the family apart. Allan’s children were devastated, and the affair led to a brutal murder. 

Allan Gore is just one example of how an affair can destroy families. When people try to hide their infidelity, they often end up causing even more pain and suffering. Sometimes, it is better to face the consequences of one’s actions head-on rather than trying to run away from them.

This story of Allan Gore His wife Betty Gore and their foreigner neighbor and friend Candy has presently been adapted into a series ‘Candy’ which is now streaming on Hulu.
