Cotton Candy Oreos Are Back

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Sunday, June 9, 2024

I have a habit of attempting to guess the next seasonal Oreos flavor that will be released. Given that rocket pop is the official flavor of summer this year (according to us), I thought for sure we’d be getting tricolored, tri-flavored Oreos for Fourth of July. But just as it is the absurd plight of Sisyphus to continue pushing that fateful boulder up the hill only to watch it plunge back down upon nearing the top, so too is it my fate to continue incorrectly guessing what the next Oreo flavor will be. That being said, the cookie giant’s next new(ish) flavor is Cotton Candy. They brought Cotton Candy Oreos back.

What do cotton candy-flavored Oreos taste like? Do they dissolve in water like in that one devastating raccoon video where it tries to wash the cotton candy in the river?

As for what the Cotton Candy Oreos taste like, the internet indicates the cookie part of the sandwich cookie is a standard, run-of-the-mill Golden Oreo, while the blue-and-pink creme is cotton candy flavored. These limited edition Oreos dropped just this week (June 5), and although I have yet to try them out for myself, if you dipped one in water it seems like it would behave more like an Oreo cookie than fluffy, spun sugar. But what do I know? I’m just an armchair phood philosophist, as the ancient Greeks used to say. Now I didn’t try these Cotton Candy Oreos back in 2015 when they were last in stores, but a lot of people did. And those people? They asked Oreo to bring these bad bois back. Does that mean it’s a really good flavor? Is this that thing where people get fake mad about something just for the memes? Well, the wondering stops today, as this week we get to go buy a pack of the pink pastel cookies and try them out for ourselves. Back in 2015, PopSugar described he taste of these as “condensed cotton candy and pure joy.” So that seems like a good sign for Cotton Candy Oreos.

What sweet baked good best matches your personality? We looked to the stars (and the grocery store aisles) to find out.

And now it is that time. The time when I guess the next Oreo flavor that will come out. And I’ll level with you guys, I was feelin’ a bit lost, not sure what flavors to guess, when I realized that both S’moreos (called S’mores Oreos at the time) and Cotton Candy Oreos last came out in the Summer of 2015. So I looked back at the other releases of 2015—Avengers: Age of Ultron, “Hello” by Adele, and then I saw it: Red Velvet Oreos. Introduced in 2015, discontinued in 2020, and I’m callin’ it now,  Nabisco is going to bring these bloodred beauties back. Just you wait. Either that or Toasted Coconut Oreos, which were released fall of 2015 as a limited edition flavor that people really liked. As for new, original flavors they could drop as a late summer limited edition? Gosh, I really don’t know…let’s say Chai Oreos for the fall. Alright Nabisco, now the ball’s in your court-eo, prove me right for once!
